Internal Resources

We can reclaim our innate healing power by becoming aware of the internal resources that serve us.

Our innate healing abilities have been neglected, and we suffer as a result.

Lack of self-efficacy and limited belief in our capacity to be a practical, productive, and life-enhancing part of any health or wellness program limits our potential to self-generate wellness. Esteem-building pursuits, such as positive thinking, problem-solving, and stress management, carry with them a language of healing that we find hard to describe as it comes from a shift inside oneself, resulting in a feeling of hopefulness, courage, together with self-love and self-appreciation.  

In the context of self-inducing wellness, we can view our 'internal resources' as our innate or inherent strengths and abilities that can be drawn upon to promote and maintain our sense of well-being. These internal resources can encompass various aspects of a person's physical, emotional, cognitive, and psychological makeup. Here are some examples:

  1. Resilience: The ability to bounce back from adversity, cope with stress, and adapt to life's challenges is considered an internal resource. Resilience helps individuals maintain emotional well-being even in difficult situations.
  2. Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence: Having a positive self-image and self-belief can be seen as internal resources. They contribute to emotional and psychological well-being.
  3. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing one's own emotions, as well as empathising with the emotions of others, is an internal resource that supports healthy relationships and emotional well-being.
  4. Coping Skills: Effective coping strategies, such as problem-solving, emotional regulation, and relaxation techniques, are internal resources that help individuals manage stress and maintain mental wellness.
  5. Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Being in tune with one's thoughts, feelings, and sensations through practices like mindfulness meditation is considered an internal resource that promotes mental and emotional well-being.
  6. Optimism and Positive Thinking: A positive outlook and the ability to focus on the bright side of situations are internal resources that can enhance mental and emotional health.
  7. Social Support: The capacity to form and maintain supportive relationships with others is an internal resource that contributes to overall well-being.
  8. Physical Health and Fitness: Good physical health, including cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility, is an internal resource that supports wellness.
  9. Intellectual and Problem-Solving Skills: Effective thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities are internal resources that can contribute to overall life satisfaction.
  10. Values and Beliefs: A strong sense of personal values and beliefs can be considered an internal resource providing a sense of purpose and direction in life.

Internal resources are essential for promoting resilience, coping with life's challenges, and maintaining overall wellness. They can be cultivated and strengthened through various practices, self-awareness, and personal development efforts, contributing to a person's ability to lead a fulfilling and healthy life.

Strategies such as

  • positive self-management
  • personal affirmations
  • relaxation
  • visualisations
  • and meditation

are part of our internal resource skills which have been proven to promote wellness.

Research  - dreams - meditation - visualisation.  

 Reviewing negative thought patterns is not a form of negative thinking.

We can review our thinking in a way that identifies what is contributing to healthy living and what is not. When we change our perspective on what doesn't serve us well, we change negative reductive thoughts into positive, progressive life-sustaining ones. 


Thinking about, what we are thinking about is a form of progression.

Attitudes can be aligned with wellness, enabling us to intervene in our level of emotional and physical health proactively. 

It is difficult to focus on wellness when we are fearful of the future. We can calm the fear and focus on health.

9 Steps to calm your fear reactions.


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  • share the benefits of PNI 
  • heighten the awareness of Psychoneuroimmunology, in the areas of mind, body and spiritual health
  • enable PNI to maintain its independence alongside other modalities



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Legal Disclaimer: The information offered by PNI Australia and its content creator, Julia Telling, is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It underscores the following points:

  1. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice: The information provided should not be used as a replacement for the medical expertise and advice of an individual's primary healthcare provider. It encourages individuals to consult with their doctor regarding any decisions about medical treatment or care.
  2. Informational and Educational: The content is designed to provide information and education rather than to offer personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice.
  3. Limited Scope: The disclaimer emphasises that the material is not intended to replace or substitute any form of personal, professional, medical, or psychological care, treatment, or advice.