Mind Body Stress

This information is intended as a guide only and cannot be used for accurate diagnosis. If you think you may be stressed, anxious or depressed consult your medical practitioner.

When we start to build a life-sustaining expectation for ourselves even if at first it doesn't seem practical or realistic, we have begun to shift our mindset to one of self-care. 


Most of the research on mind-body medicine is concerned with the effects of stress on health and how we can effectively counteract the negative consequences. 

Emotional Constitution.

Stress is measured by a persons ability to cope with stress. Our emotional constitution is the amount of stress our mind and body can cope with before we compromise our general health and wellbeing.

In the area of Psychoneuroimmunology, emotions are considered in direct relationship to the impact on health, predominately the immune system. 

The spotlight is on our internal environment and how it is affected by stress, highlighting what we can do to change the negative biochemical response that stress generates. 

We have a choice regarding how we view and respond to the stressful challenges of modern-day emotional living.

We have the option to question and challenge our underlying assumptions and aim to decrease the impact of unproductive and potentially harmful negative thoughts.

We can aim to reduce the demands that emotional living places on our bodily systems.  We can note down which thoughts are causing stress, and identify what would be gained by changing the way we think.

We often feel that stress is an external force invading our lives, but it is our thinking that gives it the power to accumulate.

When we note down which thoughts are stressful,  we can start to identify what can be gained by changing the way we think. When we recognise that a level of stress is self-generated, we can empower ourselves and others to regain control of the emotional, physical selves.

Healing needs direction

To counteract stress and anxiety we need to review our beliefs around our thoughts and identify which threats are real and which ones are imagined.


We can check to see how much of our thinking is based on fact and how much is feeling. We can check how thoughts are affecting us physically so we can ascertain what we can do physically to aid emotional relief.



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Legal Disclaimer: The information offered by PNI Australia and its content creator, Julia Telling, is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It underscores the following points:

  1. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice: The information provided should not be used as a replacement for the medical expertise and advice of an individual's primary healthcare provider. It encourages individuals to consult with their doctor regarding any decisions about medical treatment or care.
  2. Informational and Educational: The content is designed to provide information and education rather than to offer personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice.
  3. Limited Scope: The disclaimer emphasises that the material is not intended to replace or substitute any form of personal, professional, medical, or psychological care, treatment, or advice.