Health Promoting Emotions

Natural health-enhancing chemicals are released into our bloodstream in alignment with pleasant emotions and uplighting moods.

Feelings such as

  • hopefulness 
  • love
  • laughter
  • optimism
  • empathy
  • acceptance
  • joy
  • humour
  • inspiration
  • confidence all generate a positive hormonal response. 


Generating pleasant feelings helps us gain a sense of control.

Attaining a level of control increases levels of wellness by enabling feelings of self-assurance and support.It is important to feel part of any recovery and wellness program; this can be achieved by amalgamating internal and external care. 

Many factors can affect how hopeful we feel. Hopefulness is one of the positive emotions that can have a beneficial effect on our emotional state.It is well-documented that a sense of hope reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.

When we can see that we can have a better day, every day, hope generates.

Being optimistic about any chosen treatment or recovery program generates feelings of hopefulness.

It is not that we have to resist negative thinking. It is that we need to remember to counteract it.

PNI research concludes that our state of mind impacts the immune system. 

Being pessimistic can lead to depression which negatively interferes with the immune system.
It can take time, energy and effort to focus on generating feelings of hopefulness, and please get support if this is difficult for you or those you love. 

In any one year, around one million Australian adults have depression.

Research has shown that the physiology of hopefulness helps the body to fight disease.

Candace Pert PhD 'Changing the way we think improves the way we feel and act, but we also change biologically, making it possible to restore a healthy balance within the body. 
Every cell within our body responds very precisely to the way we think.'

Every cell within our body responds very precisely to the way we think.

Research has shown that the physiology of hopefulness helps the body to fight disease.


Activating a positive mindset generates the appropriate hormonal response.

Testosterone, estrogen, progesterone all play a part in our mood, but we are an integral part of the process of healthy living. 

We can affect the brain chemicals responsible for confidence and optimism.

Hormones are essential to all the systems of the body

Hormones are molecules 

The endocrine system produces hormones 

The endocrine system sends messages to various parts of the body

These messages help regulate bodily functions, like hunger, blood pressure, sexual desire, and reproduction. 

Optimism and confidence activate the release of feel-good hormones such as endorphins which counteract the hormonal response which is generated by sadness and hopelessness. 

When we are optimistic, it lifts our mood and reduces the physical feelings often associated with depression, such as lethargy and tiredness. 

EMOTIONAL TRANSIENCE 'Hope structures your life in anticipation of the future and influences how you feel in the present. Similar to optimism, hope creates a positive mood about an expectation, a goal or a future situation. Such mental time travel influences your state of mind and alters your behaviour in the present. The positive feelings you experience as you look ahead, imagining hopefully what might happen, what you will attain, or who you are going to be, can alter how you currently view yourself. Along with hope comes your prediction that you will be happy, and this can have behavioural consequences.'

When we counteract negative thoughts, we relieve stress.

Counteracting is not about being relentlessly upbeat. It is about being open to participating in a range of ways to release stress. 

Candace Pert PhD "Anger and blaming others takes a lot of energy away from healing. One of the most powerful emotions that need to be expressed is forgiveness."
Forgiveness is not condoning the behaviour of others. We can choose work towards forgiveness in a way that is self-naturing; in a way that does not re-generate feelings of hurt, anger, blame, and shame. 


Emotional expression is an effective way to relieve stress.

Learning how to be emotionally articulate reduces frustration.

We become less anxious when we express how we feel; this can be achieved in a myriad of creative ways; writing poetry, songs, drawing, painting, dancing, singing.

Emotions need expression and physical support. 

When emotions are expressed, it is essential to identify where the body's feelings are arising and determine which physical intervention would be appropriate. 

Self-care is a personal form of health care. 

Be supported and self-supportive. 

Unity in wellness: connect your mind and body to self-generate a happier, emotional-physical state of well-being. 



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Legal Disclaimer: The information offered by PNI Australia and its content creator, Julia Telling, is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It underscores the following points:

  1. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice: The information provided should not be used as a replacement for the medical expertise and advice of an individual's primary healthcare provider. It encourages individuals to consult with their doctor regarding any decisions about medical treatment or care.
  2. Informational and Educational: The content is designed to provide information and education rather than to offer personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice.
  3. Limited Scope: The disclaimer emphasises that the material is not intended to replace or substitute any form of personal, professional, medical, or psychological care, treatment, or advice.