Moderate Stress

Research has shown that we need a moderate level of stress to enable us to perform better. 

A moderate level of stress can be optimal.

Focusing our energy forward in a positive manner even with a 'fake it till we make it' mentality releases a new intent. When we do this, we have activated a new desire for change. We can build on this desire and establish hope. A moderate level of stress is required to enable us to push ourselves forward into our own lives. 

Stress is a motivator for positive and productive change.             

We can use stress in a positive way by being accountable for how we respond to stressful situations and everyday challenges. 

Stress management is a lifestyle, not a single event.

Building our emotional resilience to enable us to manage stress effectively can be viewed as a specific form of psychological intervention. 

External events and internal perceptions challenge our vision of the desired outcome.

Learning new skills that allow us to become more confident and competent help us to respond to the demands of life and the challenges we place on ourselves, so we can live life that resonates with our real sense of self. 

We have inbuilt forms of stress regulation. 

Crying is a natural response to the stresses of life.

Crying is a form of emotional relief. 

We often feel that we need to stop crying, that it is negative, but this is not true; it is an emotional and physical relief. 

There are stress hormones in tears and crying is an effective way to release them.  

There are stress hormones in tears and crying is an effective way to release them. When we are discouraged from crying we do not release stress chemicals, which impacts our wellness and recovery potential. The negative impact of emotional repression is well documented. 

We may feel things are bad when we cry, but it could also be viewed as a sign that things are getting better. 

The relief from crying can provide us with the clarity and energy we need to move forward productively. 

Positive thinking is a way to generate change proactively.

When are feeling down or depressed, we may find it difficult to motivate ourselves in the direction of positive progressive change, especially when feelings of hopelessness are present. 

We can influence how life affects us because we do have control.

While it is natural to consider the effects that certain outcomes have on our lives, we also need to ensure that we maintain our ability to be self-supportive by searching for a way to be uplifted and progressive. 

Let us remember that conflict can be the starting point of personal and professional growth. We can counteract unproductive thoughts and build a better vision of our future.

When we realise how effective we can be at generating change, we become very selective about our thinking and the actions we choose to take.

We can maximise recovery by utilising not only the external modes of wellness such as psychotherapy, yoga, and acupuncture to name but a few but by also optimising the internal resources available to us all.

Life is full of opportunities; we may need to change our perception to see them. 







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Legal Disclaimer: The information offered by PNI Australia and its content creator, Julia Telling, is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It underscores the following points:

  1. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice: The information provided should not be used as a replacement for the medical expertise and advice of an individual's primary healthcare provider. It encourages individuals to consult with their doctor regarding any decisions about medical treatment or care.
  2. Informational and Educational: The content is designed to provide information and education rather than to offer personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice.
  3. Limited Scope: The disclaimer emphasises that the material is not intended to replace or substitute any form of personal, professional, medical, or psychological care, treatment, or advice.