Julia Telling S.A.C.Dip. (Neuro Psychological Immunology)

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Julia Telling is the PNI Awareness Course Content Creator, Secretary and Founder of PNI Australia.  


Julia provides information and insights that uncover the aspects of personal development within the science of PNI, illustrating how we can integrate the fundamental principles of PNI into our personal and professional lives to improve our overall well-being.



Free PNI Awareness Course 

On-Line PNI Test Learning Certificate



How to Apply PNI

Mind and Body Wellness 

One-to-One Upbeat Book Therapy 




'I have a passion for books and a flair for writing Bibilotherapeutic content and helping others achieve the changes they desire in their everyday lives. 

The aim is to embrace the best in books, seeking emotional, physical, and spiritual solace. I provide a cheerful, amicable, and life-enhancing service dedicated to assisting you on your journey of self-help, self-care, and self-development. Whether it's self-help books, stories, fantasy, fiction, poetry, prose, songs, or prayers, we leverage the power of literature to navigate the intricate landscapes of our emotions and physical well-being. Together, we embark on a journey to foster a deep love for living life to its fullest.'

Bibliotherapy Client-Focused One-to-One Services 

Personalised Book Recommendations 

Reading Companionship 

Book Confidante


Prose and Poetry Pal

Help with Self-Help

Care with Self-Care


When we bring emotional changes into life, we get to live twice. What I mean by this statement is that emotional progression from life-deductive thoughts and feelings feels great! But it is the energy from this change that requires action to bring measurable change which enables us to love living our lives. So when we feel better, we move into substantiating the feeling to serve us in many areas of our life.

Actioning emotional change is where the beauty is; sometimes, we can understand what we are reading but remain disconnected. I'd be happy to help you stay connected.

The other side is feeling a lot better but not harnessing the feeling to serve you going forward. I will help make the most of the emotional changes that serve you well.


Let me help you find the book that is on your mind

To the mind, the imagination is real

Practical and creative content pulls us in with a masterful spin of words, and it is in these words that we can find ourselves on pathways of effective change and development. What is often overlooked in self-development books is how words are read; how they navigate in our heads is paramount. That is why we do not all resonate with the same book. Some books belong to me, and some books belong to you, and when we find the right one, we know because change happens easily, emotions are abundant, and navigation of the content becomes EXCITING!

Choose a Book - Be Better Than You Were Before -You Are Brilliant- Resilient - Innovative and Self-Creative. 

For some, taking time for yourself and love of self can be a hard lesson to face; you cannot be replaced. After all you've been through, what matters is you. 


Chat soon, Julia xx' 



Science Creativity Bibliotherapy

Julia's holistic approach to wellness and creativity emphasises the connection between the mind and body and our ability to self-generate wellness. Here are some key points from her philosophy:

  1. Uniting Mind and Body:
    • Julia believes that the process of uniting the mind and body is a creative one. This integration is seen as self-generating wellness by increasing vitality and cultivating creativity. This personalised approach to well-being recognises that each individual's path to wellness is unique.
  2. Stress Reduction:
    • The creative process Julia advocates is designed to calm the Bodymind and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. By addressing these aspects, individuals can create a foundation for cultivating creativity and improving overall well-being.
  3. Self-Induced Wellness:
    • The ultimate goal is self-inducing wellness, achieved through the unity of mind and body, with measurable results: increased vitality channelled from and into creativity. 
  4. Cultivation of Creativity:
    • Julia contends that individuals can use their creative potential to self-induce wellness. This activation of creativity is seen as a means of self-expression and a way to recreate one's emotional infrastructure and body-centred awareness to redesign one's life.
  5. Emotional Expression
    • Creativity, in its various forms, allows individuals to be emotionally expressive in ways that are not overwhelming to their internal or external environments.                                                                                                                                   


  1. Redesigning Lives:
    • The transformative power of uniting the mind and body as a creative intervention can be used as a personal and professional development tool for increasing wellness and redesigning lives. By approaching life from a creative standpoint, individuals can bring about positive changes and explore new possibilities.
  2. Measurable Change:
    • Julia asserts that all change is measurable. This implies that the outcomes of the creative process can be observed and quantified. This focus on measurable change aligns with the idea that creativity leads to a healthier and happier life.
  3. Holistic and Bibliotherapeutic Assistance:
    • Julia incorporates a holistic approach to well-being, considering the interconnectedness of various aspects of life. Holistically, she provides a bibliotherapeutic approach, suggesting that literature, reading, and writing play an important role in healing and creativity.
  4. Tailored Guidance:
    • Julia offers personalised assistance via her Bibliotherapeutic services. She offers a client-centred approach that is uplifting and life-enhancing. The holistic wellness aspects of PNI, together with Julia's love for sharing time with others whilst reading and writing for wellness, bring an innovative and creative aspect to personalised change and self-development.

In summary, Julia's philosophy centres on the belief that when applied holistically and focused on well-being, the creative biotherapeutic process can lead to measurable and positive changes in individuals' lives, fostering emotional expression, community engagement, and a happier existence. 




Legal Disclaimer: The information offered by PNI Australia and its content creator, Julia Telling, is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It underscores the following points:

  1. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice: The information provided should not be used as a replacement for the medical expertise and advice of an individual's primary healthcare provider. It encourages individuals to consult with their doctor regarding any decisions about medical treatment or care.
  2. Informational and Educational: The content is designed to provide information and education rather than to offer personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice.
  3. Limited Scope: The disclaimer emphasises that the material is not intended to replace or substitute any form of personal, professional, medical, or psychological care, treatment, or advice.